Sabtu, 30 Januari 2016


Cholesterol is a fat-containing metabolites sterols (English: waxy steroid) which is found in cell membranes and circulated in darah.Merupakan plasma lipid which is a kind of fat molecule or like it. Cholesterol is a special type of lipid called steroids. Steroids are lipids which have a special chemical structure. This structure consists of four rings of carbon atoms.

Other steroids, including steroid hormones such as cortisol, estrogen, and testosterone. In fact, all steroid hormones are made from cholesterol chemical changes in the basic structure. When about to make a molecule of molecular conversion easier, scientists call synthesis.

Hypercholesterolemia means that the cholesterol level in the blood is too high.

Cholesterol can be made synthetically. Synthetic cholesterol is currently implemented in a wide-screen technology (billboards) as an alternative to LCD.

High levels of cholesterol in the body to trigger the emergence of various diseases. A healthy diet is a major factor for mengghindari it. However, not all cholesterol is bad for the body. Only the category of LDL cholesterol are bad whereas HDL cholesterol is the type of cholesterol that can dissolve bad cholesterol in the body. The normal range of cholesterol in the body is 160-200 mg.
High cholesterol levels can be lowered with simvastatin, but simvastatin has side effects worsen accelerate the onset of cataracts or cataract for those who are sensitive to this drug, therefore you should use Atorvastatin fewer side effects and have no generic anyway. A doctor advised bran consumption will be very good for the health and lowering cholesterol levels. Actually, any fiber (oats, Vegetables, Fruits) will tie up some of the fat and disposed of with BAB, but more important is the setting of food (diet).

Cholesterol levels at the age of 9 years may reflect cholesterol levels at age 40 or 50 years. In Texas, United States 1 out of 3 children aged 9-11 years of High Cholesterol. Obesity can worsen cholesterol levels, but 35 percent of that entity kuruspun can experience High Cholesterol. Cholesterol is actually 70 percent are affected by liver enzymes in the body, but Long Chain Saturated Fats will worsen cholesterol levels and especially Trans fats are Medium Chain, but is stable, not easily / can break down into short chain. Therefore, in several States in the US, snacks (snacks) and also Fast Food Restaurants, should include the total Calories, Calories from Fat and transfat levels. No harm Cholesterol screening began at age 9 years, sufficient checks total cholesterol alone and if total cholesterol exceeds 200, it is necessary to further examination of LDL cholesterol (HDL does not need to be used) and triglyceride examination. Now known transfat levels proved to be much more dangerous than saturated cholesterol levels, therefore now the United States began using Palm Oil (not coconut oil or peanut oil), because of transfat free.

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