Minggu, 22 Januari 2017

Definition Achondroplasia

Achondroplasia is a prayer One Condition That causes dwarfism OR Body dwarf and including Group Impaired bone growth. People with achondroplasia have short arms and legs Yang. Besides achondroplasia, causing dwarfism other lay BETWEEN Impaired growth hormone and turner syndrome.

Worldwide CASE achondroplasia, 80 percent of which is NOT Happen Due to heredity, but Operate spontaneous genetic mutation. While 20 percent of whom inherited Of Parents Who Also experienced singer Conditions.

Adult patients with achondroplasia seldom Yang reached 152 cm High. High average they Was Approximately 124-132 cm.

When a newborn baby can be recognized from symptoms of achondroplasia Physical Form Body stature, persimmon, arms, and fingers That Looks Short. Their heads MORE Also look big compared to the body, as well as the side stand out is NOT normal. The taxable income entering the age of childhood and adulthood, Physical Patients with achondroplasia will Looked increasingly clear. In addition to dwarf stature, bone Looks Back And persimmon Patients curve. Also it difficult to review them bend the elbow completely.

Not Just Physical problems, some health problems experienced by sufferers Also Very risky achondroplasia. When the baby, the ability Walk And some of their motor skills tend MORE Slow. The singer is caused by decrease in muscle tone. In addition to ITU, baby achondroplasia Also at risk of spinal stenosis (bone marrow suppression of Neuroscience Behind That Contains a result of narrowing of the spine canal), hydrocephalus, as well as Respiratory disorders apnea. When it gets older, spinal stenosis Condition Suffered Severe can grow. In addition to ITU, Children and People with achondroplasia adult orangutan can be experienced Recurring Ear Infections And Conditions obesity.

Causes of Achondroplasia

In the hearts of the Human Body are so-called FGFR3 gene. Singer gene function to review the growth and maintenance of bones. AT gene mutations causing disruption Singer Being bone cartilage changes. The disrupted bone growth making Patients singer Condition Being a dwarf.

diagnosis Achondroplasia

The only way to ensure the person exposed achondroplasia review is through a genetic test to determine their review of disability ON FGFR3 gene. Though so, this test is not necessarily carried out by Doctors Without suspicion. Children OR ON adult orangutan, suspicion shown to the doctor can constituted body stature dwarfs That looks. And gene analysis is usually done through blood samples.

While Pregnancy, based on the suspicion can kepada big head shape Seen From the findings of ultrasound. Gene analysis is usually done through sampling amniotic fluid in the womb hearts.

treatment of Achondroplasia

Unfortunately Up When Singer OR No drug Treatment Methods The APA also can cure achondroplasia. Handling is only intended to alleviate complications Appears review AT disorder sufferers singer, such as the application of review procedures for handling operations recitation spinal stenosis And Antibiotics for Ear Infections relieve review.

Pengertian Achondroplasia

Achondroplasia merupakan salah satu kondisi yang menyebabkan dwarfisme atau tubuh kerdil dan termasuk kelompok gangguan pertumbuhan tulang. Penderita achondroplasia mempunyai lengan dan tungkai yang pendek. Selain achondroplasia, penyebab dwarfisme lainnya antara lain gangguan hormon pertumbuhan dan sindrom turner.

Dari seluruh kasus achondroplasia, 80 persen di antaranya tidak terjadi akibat keturunan, melainkan mutasi genetik secara spontan. Sedangkan 20 persen di antaranya diwariskan dari orang tua yang juga mengalami kondisi ini.

Penderita achondroplasia dewasa jarang yang mencapai tinggi 152 cm. Rata-rata tinggi mereka adalah sekitar 124-132 cm.

Ketika baru lahir, bayi achondroplasia bisa dikenali dari gejala fisik, berupa perawakan tubuh, kaki, lengan, dan jari-jari yang tampak pendek. Kepala mereka juga terlihat lebih besar dibandingkan badan, serta dahi terlihat menonjol tidak normal. Setelah memasuki usia kanak-kanak dan dewasa, fisik penderita achondroplasia akan tampak makin jelas. Selain bertubuh kerdil, tulang punggung dan kaki penderita tampak melengkung. Mereka juga kesulitan untuk menekuk siku sepenuhnya.

Bukan saja masalah fisik, beberapa gangguan kesehatan juga sangat berisiko dialami penderita achondroplasia. Ketika bayi, kemampuan berjalan dan beberapa ketrampilan motorik mereka cenderung lebih lambat. Ini disebabkan oleh penurunan tonus otot. Selain itu, bayi achondroplasia juga berisiko terkena stenosis spinal (tertekannya sumsum tulang belakang yang berisi saraf akibat penyempitan kanal tulang belakang), hidrosefalus, serta gangguan pernapasan apnea. Ketika bertambah dewasa, kondisi stenosis spinal yang diderita bisa bertambah parah. Selain itu, anak-anak dan orang dewasa penderita achondroplasia dapat mengalami infeksi telinga berkala dan kondisi obesitas.

Penyebab Achondroplasia

Di dalam tubuh manusia terdapat gen yang disebut FGFR3. Gen ini berfungsi untuk pertumbuhan dan pemeliharaan tulang. Mutasi pada gen ini menyebabkan terganggunya perubahan tulang rawan menjadi tulang. Pertumbuhan tulang yang terganggu menjadikan penderita kondisi ini menjadi kerdil.

Diagnosis Achondroplasia

Satu-satunya cara untuk memastikan seseorang terkena achondroplasia adalah melalui tes genetik untuk mengetahui adanya kecacatan pada gen FGFR3. Meski begitu, tes ini tidak serta merta dilakukan oleh dokter tanpa menaruh kecurigaan. Pada anak-anak atau orang dewasa, kecurigaan dokter bisa didasari kepada perawakan tubuh kerdil yang terlihat. Dan analisis gen biasanya dilakukan lewat sampel darah.

Sedangkan saat kehamilan, kecurigaan bisa didasari kepada bentuk kepala besar yang terlihat dari hasil USG. Analisis gen biasanya dilakukan melalui pengambilan sampel cairan amniotik di dalam rahim.

Pengobatan Achondroplasia

Sayangnya hingga saat ini belum ada obat atau metode pengobatan apa pun yang bisa menyembuhkan achondroplasia. Penanganan hanya ditujukan untuk meringankan komplikasi yang muncul pada penderita kelainan ini, seperti penerapan prosedur operasi untuk menangani spinal stenosis dan pemberian antibiotik untuk meredakan infeksi telinga.

Senin, 29 Februari 2016

Definition of Panu

Disease tinea versicolor or pityriasis versicolor (sometimes called tinea versicolor) is a health problem that led to the emergence of small patches on the skin. The spot colors can be lighter or darker than the original skin color, even some that are red or pink.
Over time, these patches can be more and more, or even widen. In addition to causing skin looks discolored skin fungus can also cause skin sufferers to feel rough or scaly.
Parts of the body most often exposed skin fungus is back, arms, abdomen, chest, and neck. Panu is not dangerous. However phlegm could interfere with the appearance and cause discomfort with symptoms of itch. You can treat tinea versicolor using drugs anti-phlegm-counter in pharmacies without a prescription. But go to the doctor if the condition with severe skin fungus has spread to then addressed further.

Pengertian Panu

Penyakit panu atau pityriasis versicolor (kadang-kadang disebut tinea vesicolor) merupakan masalah kesehatan yang menyebabkan munculnya bercak-bercak kecil pada kulit. Warna bercak tersebut bisa lebih terang atau lebih gelap dari warna kulit asli, bahkan ada juga yang berwarna merah atau merah muda.

Seiring waktu, bercak-bercak tersebut bisa makin banyak atau bahkan melebar. Selain menyebabkan kulit tampak berubah warna, panu juga dapat menyebabkan kulit penderitanya menjadi kasar atau terasa bersisik.

Bagian tubuh yang paling sering terkena panu adalah punggung, lengan, perut, dada, dan leher. Panu memang tidak berbahaya. Namun  panu bisa mengganggu penampilan dan menyebabkan ketidaknyamanan dengan gejala gatalnya. Anda bisa mengobati panu dengan menggunakan obat-obatan anti-panu yang dijual bebas di apotik tanpa resep dokter. Tapi kunjungilah dokter jika kondisi panu telah menyebar dengan parah untuk kemudian ditangani lebih lanjut.

understanding Triglycerides

Triglycerides are a type of essential fatty flowing in human blood. In addition to triglycerides, there are also 'good cholesterol' (HDL) and "bad cholesterol" (LDL).

If too much, triglyceride will accumulate in body parts such as the walls of blood vessels and heart. Saturated and unsaturated fats, including triglycerides in the group. Triglycerides are very important for humans because the body uses fat as energy. Triglycerides are manufactured by the body from other energy sources, namely from the digestion of carbohydrates and fats contained in the food. But high levels of triglycerides will increase your risk of developing diseases such as angina or wind sits, heart attack and stroke.

There is no definite symptoms that arise due to high levels of triglycerides in the body, but if triglyceride levels that happens is a hereditary disease, there are likely to emerge as a condition called xanthoma. Xanthoma is a bump due to deposition of fat under the skin.

Triglyceride Levels in the Body
It's easy to determine the body's levels of triglycerides, ie by a blood test. Here is an overview of the levels of triglycerides in the body:

Very high levels: above 500 mg / dl
High levels: 200-499 mg / dl
Levels high enough: 150-199 mg / dl
Normal levels: below 150 milligrams per deciliter (mg / dl)
Causes of High Triglycerides Levels
Obesity and diabetes are not controlled be the most common causes of high triglycerides. High triglyceride levels occurs when a person consume lots of foods containing carbohydrate or high sugar levels. Risk of heart disease increases with a person's triglyceride levels.

Here are some other causes of high triglycerides:

Hypothyroidism. The condition when the thyroid gland produces too little thyroid hormone.
Kidney illness. Kidney function loss in the salt and mineral balance in the blood, the body's waste and dispose of excess fluids, and can not regulate blood pressure.
Many consume liquor. Consumption of beverages containing alcohol can raise triglyceride levels quickly. This condition will also trigger inflammation of the pancreas.
High triglyceride levels can also be triggered by some medications, namely:

Family planning pills
High triglyceride levels usually associated with other medical conditions. This condition is rarely present themselves. High triglyceride levels are part of the metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome is a group of health problems that consist of high triglyceride levels, the levels of "good" cholesterol or low HDL, hypertension, high blood sugar and accumulation of fat around the hips. This condition can increase the risk of heart attack, stroke and diabetes.

Differences Triglycerides and Cholesterol
In the blood, there are two types of fat, ie triglycerides and cholesterol. Its function is to store calories and provides energy to the body are triglycerides. While the function of cholesterol to build cells and certain hormones. Both can not be dissolved in the blood and protein to help both types of fat to flow to all parts of the body.

If you have high triglyceride levels, chances are you also experiencing high cholesterol. To find out if we have a high triglyceride levels, we can do a blood test called a lipoprotein analysis. This blood test functions determine the overall amount of fatty substance in the blood.

Treatment of High Triglycerides
Triglyceride levels in the body can be lowered without the use of special medicines. Some changes in one's lifestyle can be an important factor in reducing high triglyceride levels. Here are simple ways that can be done:

Weight control. If your weight exceeds the ideal weight or even obese, lose about 2-5 kilograms can reduce levels of triglycerides in the body. To get a more healthy body and stamina, you need to be disciplined in the sport for at least 2.5 hours per week.
Eating healthy fats. Replace saturated fats with unsaturated fatty meat from the plant, for example in olive oil, peanut oil and canola oil.
Avoid trans fats. Trans fats can be found in foods that are fried or baked food products such as cookies, crackers and snacks. If the trans fat content of less than 0.5 grams, there is the possibility of a manufacturer is not included on the packaging. The food manufacturers can say that their food contains hydrogenated oils.
Lowering your calorie intake. You need to remember that excess calories are converted into triglycerides and stored as fat. Indirectly, lowering caloric intake also means lower triglyceride levels.
Limiting the level of cholesterol in food. Avoid concentrated sources of cholesterol, including meats with lots of fat, egg yolks, and dairy products are pure.
Limit consumption of sugar and processed foods. Sugar and foods made from flour is a type of carbohydrate that can raise triglyceride levels.
Limit alcohol consumption. The calorie content is high on liquor can result in an increase in triglycerides. Triglyceride levels can increase although we only ate a little liquor.
Quit smoking. Quitting smoking can improve levels of "good" cholesterol. Within a year after quitting, your risk of heart disease can be reduced by approximately 50%. And in 15 years, the risk of heart disease with people who do not smoke.
Exercising. Activities regular exercise can help you control your overall body health.
If triglyceride levels remain high after making lifestyle changes, you may need to add the consumption of drugs as well. Dosage and drug content given by the doctor depending on the levels of triglycerides, cholesterol levels and other risk factors that can increase the risk of heart disease.

The drugs used are usually concentrated on lowering bad cholesterol, which indirectly can lower triglyceride levels. Here are drugs used to lower high cholesterol:

Fibrates. This drug serves to lower triglycerides and increase levels of "good" or HDL. The impact of the "bad cholesterol" or LDL is not too much.
Niacin, or nicotinic acid. Nicotinic acid can reduce the production of triglycerides and LDL. Eventually led to increased "good" cholesterol and lowering triglycerides.
Statins. This drug will inhibit the enzyme the body needs to produce cholesterol. As a result, the levels of 'bad cholesterol' will decrease.
Omega-3 fatty acids (fish oil). Fish oil supplements can lower triglyceride levels in the female body. Eating at least two servings of fish each week to get omega-3 fatty acids are sufficient. Fish oil supplements containing omega-3 fatty acids are also available and can generally be bought freely.
If the drugs above are not effective in lowering triglyceride levels, your doctor may need to change the dose or adding a new drug. Be sure to always follow the doctor's advice in taking drugs above. If you take statins, so be careful if you are also taking the type of fibrate drugs. Combined these two drugs can cause problems with muscle called rhabdomyolysis, which can lead to kidney failure. If you experience any problems or pain in the muscles, see a doctor.
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