Minggu, 22 Januari 2017

Definition Achondroplasia

Achondroplasia is a prayer One Condition That causes dwarfism OR Body dwarf and including Group Impaired bone growth. People with achondroplasia have short arms and legs Yang. Besides achondroplasia, causing dwarfism other lay BETWEEN Impaired growth hormone and turner syndrome.

Worldwide CASE achondroplasia, 80 percent of which is NOT Happen Due to heredity, but Operate spontaneous genetic mutation. While 20 percent of whom inherited Of Parents Who Also experienced singer Conditions.

Adult patients with achondroplasia seldom Yang reached 152 cm High. High average they Was Approximately 124-132 cm.

When a newborn baby can be recognized from symptoms of achondroplasia Physical Form Body stature, persimmon, arms, and fingers That Looks Short. Their heads MORE Also look big compared to the body, as well as the side stand out is NOT normal. The taxable income entering the age of childhood and adulthood, Physical Patients with achondroplasia will Looked increasingly clear. In addition to dwarf stature, bone Looks Back And persimmon Patients curve. Also it difficult to review them bend the elbow completely.

Not Just Physical problems, some health problems experienced by sufferers Also Very risky achondroplasia. When the baby, the ability Walk And some of their motor skills tend MORE Slow. The singer is caused by decrease in muscle tone. In addition to ITU, baby achondroplasia Also at risk of spinal stenosis (bone marrow suppression of Neuroscience Behind That Contains a result of narrowing of the spine canal), hydrocephalus, as well as Respiratory disorders apnea. When it gets older, spinal stenosis Condition Suffered Severe can grow. In addition to ITU, Children and People with achondroplasia adult orangutan can be experienced Recurring Ear Infections And Conditions obesity.

Causes of Achondroplasia

In the hearts of the Human Body are so-called FGFR3 gene. Singer gene function to review the growth and maintenance of bones. AT gene mutations causing disruption Singer Being bone cartilage changes. The disrupted bone growth making Patients singer Condition Being a dwarf.

diagnosis Achondroplasia

The only way to ensure the person exposed achondroplasia review is through a genetic test to determine their review of disability ON FGFR3 gene. Though so, this test is not necessarily carried out by Doctors Without suspicion. Children OR ON adult orangutan, suspicion shown to the doctor can constituted body stature dwarfs That looks. And gene analysis is usually done through blood samples.

While Pregnancy, based on the suspicion can kepada big head shape Seen From the findings of ultrasound. Gene analysis is usually done through sampling amniotic fluid in the womb hearts.

treatment of Achondroplasia

Unfortunately Up When Singer OR No drug Treatment Methods The APA also can cure achondroplasia. Handling is only intended to alleviate complications Appears review AT disorder sufferers singer, such as the application of review procedures for handling operations recitation spinal stenosis And Antibiotics for Ear Infections relieve review.
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