The body part most frequently attacked ulcers are the face, neck, armpits, shoulders, buttocks, and thighs. This happens because these parts often experience friction and sweating. Ulcers can also grow on the eyelids, the condition which normally we are familiar with the term stye.
The main symptoms of the ulcer is the appearance of red bumps on the skin. At the initial stage, the size of the ulcers are usually small and then accompanied by:
The skin around the lump red, swollen and feels warm to the touch. This indicates that the infection has spread to the surrounding skin.
Lump grew and filled with pus.
Formed white dot at the top of the bump.
These conditions rarely require medical attention by doctors, because ulcers can be cured by itself. However, you should see a doctor if you have sores:
Cause fever.
Continue to grow (over 5 cm diameter) and was very sick.
Grow more than one at the same location. This type of fiber known as boils or carbuncles, and the condition is classified as more serious infections.
Growing up in the nose, in the face, or the spine.
Do not go away for more than 14 days.
Often relapse.
Having problems with the immune system or medications that interfere with the immune system and appear ulcers.
Causes and Complications Boils
The main cause of ulcers is the bacteria Staphylococcus aureus. These bacteria can be found on the skin and in the nose of man without triggering any infection. Infection occurs when bacteria get to the follicle through cuts or insect bites.
Bacteria from boils or carbuncles can sometimes spread to other parts of the body. When spreads in the skin layer would arise cellulitis, impetigo (blister), it can even spread to the bone (osteomyelitis). This deployment will lead to sepsis that could potentially cause an infection in the body's organs, such as the heart. In addition, ulcers also can generally leave a scar.
Ulcer Risk Factors
Ulcers can happen to anyone, and there are several factors that may increase the risk of someone. These risk factors include:
Direct contact with sufferers. This infectious disease risk increases if you are often in direct contact with a person, such as staying at home.
Age and sex. Ulcers more often strikes teenagers, especially the male sex.
Cleanliness is not maintained, the personal and the environment.
Have a weakened immune system, such as HIV, chemotherapy, or diabetes.
Skin problems, such as frequent breakouts.
Ulcer treatment
Boils generally can be cured with simple steps at home and rarely require medical treatment by a physician. Some simple ways that we can do to speed up the healing is:
Compress with warm water boils. Do it at least three times a day. This step will reduce the pain as well as encourage the pus to gather at the top of the bump.
Clean boils that broke with gauze along with alcohol and anti-bacterial soap. Do not forget to put ointment and wraps boils that broke with sterile gauze.
Change the bandage as often as possible (two to three times a day).
Do not forget to wash your hands with soap and water before and after treating ulcers.
Make sure you do not solve ulcers by force. This process could exacerbate the spread of bacterial infection at the same time and thus potentially lead to complications. We are encouraged to wait until the abscess rupture itself.
You can also eat painkillers or analgesics to reduce pain. For example, paracetamol or ibuprofen.
To cope with large-sized boils or carbuncles, help physicians are generally required. Doctors usually will dissect the boil in order to remove the pus. Medication may also be prescribed antibiotics for you to handle boils:
With severe infection.
Accompanied by fever.
Accompanied complications.
The duration of antibiotic use must be strictly in accordance with the prescription even though ulcers had healed. This was done in order to trigger bacterial infection is really musnah.a
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