Varicocele more cases occur during puberty, ie at the age of 15 to 25 years. This disease can potentially cause infertility because it can reduce the quality and quantity of sperm of men who are suffering.
symptoms of varicocele
Varicocele generally do not cause symptoms. Even so, there are some people who feel discomfort or even pain in the pockets of his penis. These symptoms usually increases when the person is standing or physical activity for too long, and subside when the patient is lying down.
In addition to pain, enlarged veins also can increase over time. This swelling occurs mostly on the left side of the bag and the testicles are uncommon in the right side of the bag. This is because the veins on the left side differs from that on the right.
See your doctor if you notice any swelling and lumps in the testicles or scrotum bag you, feel pain in the part, and is aware of the difference in size between the right and left testicle. If symptoms are left unchecked and untreated, varicocele is feared could potentially lead to complications such as:
Testicular shrinkage. Valve damaged veins can cause blood to pool and increase the pressure inside the blood vessels. Pressure and toxins contained in the blood is suspected damage and shrink the testicles.
Infertility. The temperature is constantly too high around the testes due to a varicocele can affect the formation, quantity, movement, and the quality of sperm.
The cause of varicocele
In the vein valves are vessels that serve as a one-way doors. When blood flow to the heart, the valve will open to allow blood to flow smoothly into the organ. Vice versa, the valve will close if blood flow is slow in order to prevent backflow due to gravity.
If the valve does not function properly, then the blood will flow back and settle in the veins which eventually can cause swelling.
The diagnosis of varicocele
Depending on the amount of swelling, the diagnosis of varicocele can be done directly through regular physical examination or through tests.
If the swelling is large enough, it is likely the doctor can easily feel the soft lumps on the testicles. If the swelling is smaller, the doctor may use a special technique by having the patient stand up, inhale a deep breath and hold it. Through this technique the doctor is likely to feel the swelling of the veins.
If through the physical examination can not be ensured, then the test will be performed. One of them is ultrasound or ultrasound. In the case of a varicocele, ultrasound is performed to produce the image or images in detail the structure of the veins. Through this test, each case is believed to be related to the symptoms of varicocele can be seen, including other conditions, such as tumors.
treatment of varicocele
Most cases of varicocele does not cause symptoms. If there are symptoms, it will not be prolonged. Therefore, treatment is not usually necessary.
However if a varicocele cause discomfort, pain, testicular shrinkage or fertility problems, then remedial action should be performed. This remedial action could be taking paracetamol as a pain reliever, or undergo surgical procedures.
Here are the types of operations that can be done to deal with varicocele:
Embolization. Embolization is done by inserting a micro-sized hose with accompanying X-ray device into a vein to look for parts that are damaged or have swelling. After a varicocele is found and seen on the monitor, a special liquid will be piped into the damaged vein through a tube. This special fluid is used to block the blood into the damaged vein and the flow through healthy veins. Side effects after undergoing embolization may be swelling or bruising for a few days at the point of inclusion of hose and a small risk of infection. Such infections can usually be treated with antibiotics. Those who have undergone this procedure remains potentially exposed varicocele later.
Open surgery. In this procedure, veins are damaged beyond repair, or removed surgically at the bottom of the groin or abdomen. Patients who underwent open surgery had to be sedated in total. Side effects after open surgery is a mild pain that lasts for several days to weeks. But patients do not need to worry because this pain can be treated with pain medication, such as ibuprofen or paracetamol.
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