Liver disease is an adaptation of hepatitis and other diseases of the symptoms . Generally, any illness arising out of mistakes ourselves going lifestyle , diet and bad habits and poor that we apply , not only that sometimes personal and environmental hygiene are also factors trigger or someone easily infected with various diseases , ranging from internal medicine the category of mild to chronic .
any of the causes that trigger one's primary disease , causes the most , which are:
1 . Environmental factors
Environmental factors will consist of personal hygiene and the environment around the dwelling that is less convenient , less clean and so became one of the main triggers of individuals living with the disease easier . Example of the lack of attention to hygiene of food , cleanliness of the body and so on. All sorts of viruses , bacteria , and fungus easily get into the food .
2 . Psychological Factors
Psychological or psychological factors such as stress , depression is also a common cause factor that most occur in a person , such as when experiencing a problem then result in the physical condition of diminishing facilitate disease came and perched ourselves .
3 . Habits bad
Bad habits are also the main reason why the disease sesseorang easily perch on the body such as smoking , drinking alcohol , soft drinks , fast food , food containing preservatives , chemical food dyes , etc. . Obviously a major factor that disease comes easy . As a result of this bad habit sparking penyalkit , such as diabetes mellitus , stroke , heart attack , obesity , liver disease or liver disorders etc. .
How to prevention and treatment is most easily done from the start and apply yourself familiarize diet , healthy lifestyle , implementing healthy habits , avoid or reduce the bad habits and so on .
Here are some easy tips that can be done for prevention and treatment of liver diseases , including :
1 . Maintain personal hygiene and environmental
Always familiarize yourself from the most minor thing but has good functionality and benefits , such as getting used to wash hands before and after touching something with the use of special cleaning soap (hand soap ) the bacteria and kumanyang lodged in the hands of dead skin .
Keeping the environment around residential homes ranging from the familiar to provide small landfills , cover with a hood of food , cleanliness of the washroom ( toilet ) and so on
2 . Diligent consume mineral water at least 8-10 glasses a day , equivalent to 1.5-2 liters per day or adapted to the needs of your body and your health condition .
3 . Avoid foods that contain lots of saturated fat and preservatives .
Fat is needed by the body as a source of vital energy in the body , but the body still needs fat to be controlled and balanced with other nutritional needs . When you save a lot of body to store fat and it will result in a decrease in organ function and susceptible to disease . Avoid foods such as foods that use a lot of coconut milk , spicy foods , foods that use chemical pewaran ingredients and preservatives commonly found in packaged food or fast long- processing .
Picture: The food pyramid
4 . Much to consume vegetables and fruits
Fruits and vegetables are a source of energy that contains nutrients , minerals , iron , magnesium , vitamins and other nutrients sources contained in fruits and vegetables . With diligent mengkonsusmi contains vitamin A , B , C and D as well as other vitamins . The fruit is safe to eat for people with liver disease or liver such as papaya , oranges , bananas , apples , mango and other fruit kinds and which should be avoided are pineapple , jackfruit , durian . The third fruit contains a substance that can cause disorders of the stomach and liver .
5 . Applying and balance the body needs nutritional value
Mengkonsusmsi foods fortified with carbohydrates , protein , iron and other nutrients needed by the body is very important . By balancing the need for nutrition and nutrients in the body , such as fish , eggs , bread , oats , brown rice , peas , beans etc. . Surely it must be balanced with lifestyle , good habits by avoiding bad habits .
One thing that is most important for patients diagnosed with heart disease is to avoid foods with a spicy taste , avoid foods that contain a sour taste , avoid the use of sauces , reducing drinking cold water , fried foods and other foods .
6 . Plenty of rest at least 6-7 hours per day
7 . Regular exercise each day tailored to your ability and health condition at least 2 times a week at least 1-2 hours per session .
8 . Taking additional supplements are safe without any side effects , as an effort to help strengthen the immune system and the body's self-defense or attack of illness . It is recommended to consume herbal supplements safe trustworthy , reliable and have efficacy .
9 . Conduct and peameriksaan consultation with doctors related earlier , if you identified heart disease to get penangganan further .
10 . Tervonis If it is identified or chronic impaired liver function , a doctor may recommend surgery or liver transplantation surgery .
But according to the information or liver transplantation surgery is considered not always successful , the possibility of adverse side effects may occur is after the surgery is done in a fairly long period of time .
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