Tremor is a rhythmic shaking movements and uncontrolled , which occurs because the muscles contract and relax repeatedly .
Everyone is experiencing tremors at certain levels , called physiological tremor , though sometimes so mild that was ignored .
Tremor occurs due to disturbance in the innervation of the head to the affected muscles .
Tremors are grouped based on the speed and rhythm of movement , where and how often it occurs and the severity :
Action tremor , occurs when the muscle is active .
Resting tremor , occurs when the muscle is at rest . Although the patient was resting in total , arm or leg can continue shaking . Tremor can be a sign of Parkinson's disease .
Intentional tremor , occurs when a person makes a deliberate movement . Tremor can occur in people who have abnormalities in the cerebellum ( little brain ) or connecting . Which often leads to the tremor are multiple sclerosis . Intentional tremor can also occur in other neurological diseases , stroke or chronic alcoholism . Intentional tremor slower than essential tremor and lead to a broader movement and odd .
Essential tremor is a tremor which usually starts in adulthood , which is slowly becoming more evident and do not have a definite cause . Essential tremor is usually mild and do not indicate a serious illness , but it can be annoying, which affects handwriting , causing difficulty in using the tools and embarrass the sufferer . This situation can be aggravated by emotional stress , anxiety , fatigue , caffeine or stimulant drugs prescribed by doctors . Drugs ( especially for asthma and emphysema ) can also exacerbate essential tremor .
Senile tremor is essential tremor arising in the elderly .
Familial tremor is essential tremor occurring within the family .
Tremor may occur once in a while , for a time or intermittent ; with a speed of about 6-10 tremor / sec .
Tremor may occur in the muscles of the head , hands , arms , eyelids and other muscles ; but rarely on the lower part of the body .
Tremor may occur on one or both sides of the body .
Voices could be heard vibrating ; head nodding .
Tremor disappears when the person is sleeping .
Tests done depends on the suspected cause .
If its light weight and does not interfere with daily activities , treatment is usually not necessary .
Drugs that may reduce tremors is propranolol , misolin and other anti- seizure , as well as a mild sedative .
Caffeine ( in coffee and soda ) and other stimulants should be avoided , because this can make matters worse .
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