Korea is the involuntary movements that form large-scale jolt and repetitive , like dancing , which started in one part of the body and spread to other parts of the body sudden and unexpected .
Athetosis is a slow circular motion and continuously , usually in the feet and hands .
Korea and Athetosis can occur simultaneously , and called koreoatetosis .
Korea and Athetosis is not a disease , but a symptom that can occur in several different diseases .
A person who experienced the Korean and Athetosis have basalisnya ganglia abnormalities in the brain .
The task of the basal ganglia is smoothes rough movements that are orders from the brain .
In most cases there is excessive neurotransmitter dopamine , thus affecting the normal function .
This situation could be exacerbated by drugs and diseases that cause changes in dopamine levels or alter the brain 's ability to recognize dopamine .
Diseases that often lead to korea and Athetosis is Huntington's disease .
Sydenham 's disease ( dances St . Vitus or Korean Sydenham ) is a complication of infection in childhood due to streptococcus , which can last for several months .
Korean sometimes occurs in the elderly for no apparent reason and teutama the muscles in and around the mouth .
This disease can also strike a pregnant woman in the first 3 months of pregnancy , but it will disappear without pengobtan immediately after delivery .
Movement occurs suddenly and unexpectedly , and will decrease or disappear if the patient was asleep , but it will get worse if the activity or experiencing emotional distress .
Diagnosis based on symptoms .
If the cause is drugs , then Korea will improve after the drug is discontinued .
To help control abnormal movements can be given drugs that block the effects of dopamine ( eg, anti- psychosis medications ) .
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