We can be sure everyone has experienced ? Hiccups ? . When the ephemeral , the hiccup is not a problem . But it turns out these symptoms can last a long time , which can cause insomnia , fatigue , depression and even for those who experience it .
The origin of the name
Hiccup , or in medical language called ? Hiccup ? indeed is a phenomenon involving neural and respiratory systems that aim until now was not known . The term ? Hiccup ? appears and is used to imitate the sound emitted when the hiccups ( hik. . hic .. ) . While other names , namely ? Singultus ? derived from the Latin meaning singult breathe when someone is sobbing .
Actually, what happened ? When one hiccup , a contraction of the respiratory muscles , the diaphragm and the muscles between the ribs , which causes the movement of breath but suddenly followed by the closing of the glottis ( airway valve ) is not normal so .. hic hic voice ? Hiccups usually appear 4-60 times / min with a fairly regular intervals and lasted several minutes. But sometimes last more than 48 hours , and could also be up for days .
Hiccups can be experienced by anyone . The fetus in the womb , children and adults can experience it all . However, it is said the children more often than adults experience hiccups .
various causes
According to medical analysis , the hiccup reflex involving the phrenic nerve and the vagus nerve in the diaphragm ( the main breathing muscle that lies between the chest and abdomen ) .
The cause is usually a temporary hiccup is stretching the gastrointestinal tract , carbonated drinks , lots of air swallowing , alcohol , smoking , stress, excessive laughter . Irritation of the phrenic and vagus nerve is a common cause . Foreign body in ear area was apparently also can be a trigger , because there is one branch of the vagus nerve in the area . Abnormalities in the throat such as inflammation and tumors in the neck area can also stimulate nerve fibers in the area , which is also a branch of the vagus nerve .
Various abnormalities of the diaphragm could also underlie the onset of hiccups, such as hiatal hernia , gastroesophageal reflux , subfenikus abscess, and manipulation of the diaphragm during surgery . Other causes are also possible is a disease of the central nervous system that disrupt the hiccup reflex , can include infection , tumors or abnormal blood vessels . Conditions of uremia ( increased urea levels in the blood ) experienced by patients with kidney failure can also be the cause . Additionally psychogenic factors also need to be considered .
stop hiccups
Many ways people do to try to eliminate the hiccups . Theoretically, the principle is to seek to interrupt the hiccup reflex arc . Here are some ways that often do :
1 . The high carbon dioxide levels in the blood can be crippling hiccups . The trick , is to breathe in a paper bag . Blow and breathe as much as 10 times with strong enough to face reddened . Do it quickly , and try a sealed paper bag so no air goes into it ? Inhaled air so that the air is a lot of carbon-dioxide .
2 . Techniques as increasing levels of carbon dioxide is to hold your breath as long as possible , then swallow when perceived hiccups will come . Do it 2-3 times and then take a deep breath and start again .
3 . Others were advised to hold my breath as long as possible and then remove and hold as long as possible . Or by holding their breath with his head looked up .
4 . Swallowing a teaspoon of dry granulated sugar to stop hiccups in minutes . Allegedly , the sugar in the mouth will transmit a signal through the nerve fibers that would disrupt the hiccup reflex arc .
5 . Drinking water in a bent position , do a light massage with the index finger on both sides of the neck , take a deep breath and drink 10 gulps of water while not breathing , bending until your fingers can touch your toes for 60 minutes and many more techniques that can done to eliminate hiccups .
If the hiccups do not disappear as well in a few hours or even days , then medical help such as drug use has been required . Some medications that can be used to eliminate hiccups include chlorpromazin , metoclopramid , baclofen , anticonvulsants ( phenytoin , valproic acid , carbamazepin ) also other drugs such as quinidine , amitriptyline and marijuana . Of course, the use of these drugs should be the doctor's instructions , because these drugs also have side effects that need to be wary of.
When the drugs hiccups persist, too, can try hypnosis therapy and acupuncture . Further? Anesthesia with positive pressure ventilation and muscle relaxants have been reported to stop the hiccups . Well , finally ? as the last weapon to do ? ? destroy surgery or phrenic nerve block has also been done in some cases of hiccups that are not resolved in various ways ?
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