Creutzfeldt- Jakob Disease ( Subacute Spongiform Encephalopathy ) is a brain disorder that is characterized by a decrease in mental function that occurs rapidly , accompanied by movement disorders .
This disease primarily affects adults , over 50 years .
Disease similar to CJD occurs in sheep ( Skrepi ) and cattle ( Mad Cow Disease ) . Transmission of infection can occur by eating infected animal tissue .
Transmission between animals is still unclear and human cases occur when eating the meat of infected animals .
Brain tissue damage by an organism that resembles a virus ( a protein that can be transmitted , which is called prions ) .
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
Some cases occurred in adults who received growth hormone derived from cadavers ( dead bodies are preserved ) . Cause agent ( prion ) thought to have passed through the growth hormone ( derived from cadaveric pituitary gland ) .
The risk of developing the disease increased slightly in those who underwent brain surgery .
Several pathology experts contracted by the disease from cadavers .
Several months or several years after infection , no symptoms .
Slowly , increased brain damage and dementia patients ( decrease in intellectual ability ) .
At first , the symptoms are similar to other dementias , which does not care about his hygiene , apathy , irritability , forgetfulness and confusion . Some people feel fatigue , drowsiness , insomnia or other sleep disorders .
Then accelerated symptoms , usually much faster than in Alzheimer's disease , until the patient is really senile .
Twitch / muscle spasms usually occur within the first 6 months after symptoms begin .
Shaking , awkward body movements and bizarre can happen .
Vision can be blurred or dim .
Diagnosis based on deterioration of mental function that occurs rapidly or is accompanied by muscle twitch .
Examination of the nervous system and motor show muscle twitching and spasms ( myoclonus ) .
Increased muscle tension or contraction can occur and muscle weakness .
Abnormal reflex can occur or increase in the response of normal reflexes .
Visual field examination showed areas of blindness that may not be realized by the sufferer .
There are coordination disorders associated with changes in visual-spatial perception and changes in the cerebellum (the part of the brain that controls coordination ) .
EEG examination ( recording of the electrical activity of the brain ) showed changes typical for this disease .
Special examination of the brain tissue to confirm the diagnosis , can only be done if the patient had died and his brain sample taken for examination .
This disease can not be cured , and progresifitasnya can not be slowed .
Can be given drugs to control aggressive behavior ( eg, sedatives , anti -psychosis ) .
The prognosis is usually very ugly .
Total dementia usually occurs within 6 months or more , in which the patient becomes totally incapable of caring for himself.
In a short time the disease is fatal, usually within 7 months . Death is usually caused by infection , heart failure or respiratory failure .
Some patients survive until 1-2 years after the illness was diagnosed .
Avoiding human tissue transplantation or avoid eating infected tissues of infected animals .
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