Based on data from the Central Bureau of Statistics, there were an estimated 2.4 million people with autism in Indonesia in 2010. Indonesia's population of the time it reached 237.5 million, meaning there is about one person with autism in every 100 babies born.
Although autism can not be cured, there are different types of handling and treatment steps that can help people with autism. Therefore, it is important for us to be aware of the symptoms as early as possible.
Symptoms and Diagnosis of Autism
Symptoms of autism usually only apparent after a significant change in one's life and generally begins to develop in childhood. Symptoms tend to vary among persons, but can be grouped into two main categories.
The first category is impaired social interaction and communication. These symptoms include disorders of understanding and sensitivity to the feelings of others and slow language acquisition.
The second category is the mindset, interests, and behaviors are limited and repeat. Examples of repetitive movements, such as tapping or squeezing a hand, and feel upset when routines are disrupted.
People with autism also tend to have problems in learning and other psychiatric conditions, such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), anxiety disorders, or depression.
Symptoms of autism usually known at the beginning of the age of the child's development before reaching three years. Contact your doctor if you are aware of the symptoms of autism or developmental disorders in yourself and your child.
Autism Causes And Myth
There are several genetic and environmental factors are thought to cause this disorder, but the exact cause of autism is not known until today. In certain cases, autism may also be caused by certain diseases.
The vaccine against measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) never suspected as a cause of autism is that many parents are reluctant to give it to their children. But after doing extensive studies involving millions of children, the researchers did not find evidence linking MMR vaccine and autism.
Persons with Autism Adult and Issues
There are some people who grow up without a diagnosis, even if symptoms have appeared since they were children. The process of diagnosis as adults can help people with autism and their families to understand this disorder and decide what kind of help they need.
Most adults with autism have difficulty finding a job because of the demands and social change in the work. Autism specific service center can help them to find jobs that match their skills.
In Indonesia, especially Jakarta, there is the International Center for Special Care in Education (ICSCE). ICSCE is a nonprofit organization that exposes and provides an overview of the training and provision of field workers for people with autism.
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