Recently, the world was hit by panic exceptional health , especially in the world and this is because the emergence of a new epidemic called by the SARS outbreak . Worse , the plague spread so quickly and worrying , just spread much faster than the plague penyebabran jka AIDS and Ebola . While the antidote to the drug has yet to be found .
Which makes it such a big issue that is spread mostly infect people 's health infect nearly 60 percent of doctors and nurses that in fact the people who are at least relatively stable group of health . Even the new facts revealed if the doctor who discovered the disease SARS have died from this disease .
What is SARS ?
SARS itself is an extension of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome , which is a respiratory infection that trigger life-threatening in itself is related to the SARS coronavirus . The disease was first discovered in China in 2002 ago and then spread so quickly propagate to Hong Kong and began spreading around the world that infect every aspect of society in more than 20 countries .
Recorded until 2003 the spread of the disease has spread and soul 8069 soul 775 fatalities. Experts believe SARS was first developed in the animal body . It is based on their findings will be the same virus that is found in the body of the ferret . In China this weasel is consumed as food when the constriction . While in Indonesia itself up to June 16, 2003 have been found as many as 7 cases of suspected and probable cases of SARS 2 of the total 112 patients seeking treatment for fear that he was suffering from SARS .
The spread of SARS disease
SARS is highly contagious and spreads from person to person quickly , because it can spread through respiratory droplets or by direct contact with infected patients . Airborne transmission , such as eg air distribution , ventilation , are in the same vehicle or building . Until now, the time of transmission from individual to another is not clear . For a time the transmission is started when there is a fever or signs of respiratory distress until the pain is said to be cured .
So What Are the Causes of SARS It ?
Scientists increasingly believe that the virus of this race is the cause of SARS corona . Scientists from Hong Kong claimed that they have managed to show with the corona virus right after identifying a small section of DNA samples from patients affected by SARS . In addition the study as evidenced by other scientists is a disease caused by the SARS corona virus and paramoxviridae .
Indeed both types of this virus has been there for a long time , it's just not fierce and severe symptoms such as this . Coronavirus is known as the virus that causes the flu fever , diarrhea and pneumonia , while the virus is the virus that causes parainfluenza paramoxyviridae . Tentative conclusions obtained by the scientists revealed the virus that causes SARS today is the presence of a new virus as a result of mutation coronavirus .
The factors triggering fierce mutated virus is due to the environment that begins to break down as a result of human activity and the increase in human population continues to increase . Just as with humans who would seek to do everything they can to stay alive , so is the case with this virus which tries to adapt to survive even need to attack humans .
Similar to other viruses , coronavirus is spread through the air and enter through the respiratory tract and then nested diparu lung . If its presence is not realized then within about two to ten days to make the lungs become inflamed , and breathing becomes increasingly difficult . In addition to rapid airborne transmission is direct transmission , contact with patients infected with SARS like talking or sneezing will be easier to spread because salivary fluid while the patient is talking or sneezing will go directly into the body and spread in your body . For that , it helps keep the contact or distance from patients suffering from SARS infected so that you do not participate .
Disease Symptoms of SARS
Symptoms of SARS include fever may occur normally with a body temperature of over 38 degrees Celsius accompanied by noticeably short of breath , dry cough , shortness of breath , muscle pain, loss of appetite , head ache , diarrhea and feeling constantly restless . If the disease has occurred , the suspect can be called SARS . However, if the disorder occurs after suffering from respiratory disorders such persons may be called with probable SARS or be suspected of having SARS .
So if when the body temperature above 38 degrees Celsius and had direct contact with SARS patients , then automatically convicted of SARS ? Not always . This new classified suspected SARS . To conclude tekena SARS positive person required medical checkup by a doctor , only then can decide whether the person is suffering from SARS or not .
There are several symptoms of SARS that can be read medically as pneumonia , blood platelets continued to decline after contact with SARS patients and lymphocytes are also declining , other than that if it is the weight of oxygen in the blood will also be decreased and increased liver enzymes . Although some of the symptoms of suspected SARS symptoms , but all of these symptoms can be changed at any time , and the study of these phenomena is still underway today . For that you can not second-guess yourself later convicted or anyone else who is said to be a positive experience symptoms of SARS .
SARS Disease Prevention
The best way to prevent the disease is to avoid the possibility and source of the disease itself . Likewise with precautions for SARS . Avoid places or areas the local SARS cases as carriers of the SARS outbreak or the discovery of the victims were infected with SARS . Also, avoid intensive contact with people infected with SARS who suffer and for any reason because of the direct contact is one of the most common deployment of the penderitan found this disease .
The virus has a role that is beneficial and detrimental to human life . Viruses are beneficial role , which can be used as an antitoxin to be able to weaken the reproduction of bacteria and vaccines . While it is certainly harmful viruses will bring disease to humans and other living things .
We did not know the virus is circulating in the environment is beneficial or detrimental . But even so the most important thing to prevent the spread of viral diseases is by maintaining a healthy lifestyle to stay . Habits like these can be implemented by doing little things like getting used wash your hands before and after activity , especially after touching objects . Other prevention , you can start wearing a mask to prevent the spread of the SARS virus that pollutes the air .
SARS Disease Treatment
Today the use of drugs recommended by the medical handling of SARS is with antibiotics that can be used to treat atypical pneumonia serious for people with SARS . However, if this administration did not produce a response after several days , the patient should be given a combination of drugs such as oseltamivir or ribavirin along with steroids as well , but of course, this recipe should be based on the dose recommended by your doctor in order to be adapted to the patient's condition .
That is her knowledge of SARS ( Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome ) and prevention program . Until now scientists have surpassed the stages of the discovery of the SARS virus so that they can concentrate on finding ways to diagnose , prevent and treat this epidemic completely so that the doctor can confirm in patients infected with this deadly virus . Although not yet available for certain drugs or antidotes that can fight the virus , but to reduce the number of infected patients is better if we begin to maintain a healthy and start a healthy lifestyle .
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