Mucus produced by the lining of the nasal mucosa , or better known as the snot is something normal that is owned by everyone and even the presence of mucus is very important for our body . If the oil pan is like snot that lubricate an engine , can we imagine a machine without oil then what will happen ?
But actually something that excess is never a good lead , as well as typing in the mucosal fluid or runny nose These numbers are on the verge of bounds , such as runny nose and out the color that is not natural like yellow to reddish it is certainly suspect.
Basically parts of the body such as the nose , sinuses , digestive tract , mouth and lungs have fluid mucus contained a surface section . This mucus blanket works as a protective mouth or on the surface of the tissue , which can prevent the underlying tissues of drought , acts as an antiseptic ( defense systems ) and to function normally. In normal conditions the slime or mucus is produced in normal amounts and not to exceed the limit to come out of the nose and with a certain color that is clear and white .
So Why Is Mucus Produced Alerts When In Excess Amount ?
Mucosal fluid or runny nose This will be produced in excess in the event of a reaction in the mucosal lining of the nose that makes it a more active than usual , such reactions can include infections such as influenza or as a result of exposure to certain substances ( allergens ) can cause a reaction allergies . In addition there are certain purposes when produced in excess mucus production that excessive mucus is the body's mechanism to expel the virus survived when infection occurred and was taken to expel substances allergens in allergic reactions .
Then Why is Snot Color Changed ? Is Every Color Has Specific Indication ?
Although the fluid normally produced by the nasal mucosa colored translucent - white , but not always issued snot nose having such color . Suppose that in the event of an influenza color of the liquid turns clear snot but over time , the color will change to yellow to greenish , sometimes even the snot mixed with blood so that the color changed to red to brownish red .
To add to your knowledge , the following kinds of colors of snot and meaning :
1 . Snot is colored ( clear or white )
Basically this is the normal color of mucous fluid or mucus produced by the nose . Mucus with this color only shows an increase in mucus production , it is usually as a result caused by an allergic reaction or viral infection such as the early stages when you have influenza and the common cold .
2 . Snot Color Yellow and greenery
Have you ever heard or even seen his own snot yellow or green thick warrants were later indicated as a sign of infection . But do not be mistaken , though caused by an infection that does not mean snot coming out with a yellow or green color as a result of a bacterial infection that attacks the nose and the surrounding area .
When occurring influenza and the common cold , the body's immune sisitem will send white blood cells called neutrophils to the affected area of infection in this region hidunglah infected mucosa . These cells contain enzymes and yellow-green , and if it appears in a large amount can change into colored mucus so .
Just need to watch out for yellow or green mucus may also be indicated as a possible sign of ear and sinus infections ( sinusitis ) are quite dangerous . When this happens , it will be accompanied by other symptoms . If the sinusitis occurs , the symptoms will be accompanied by fever , congestion and pain that occurs at the nose and forehead Area face and snot that smells pungent odor similar to rotten . While on the other ear infection symptoms that will join them felt pain in the ear that feels unusual and high fever . Both of these infections are secondary infections caused by bacteria carried with influenza . Because of the impact would be dangerous , for it is when these symptoms you should see your doctor immediately felt to get a more definitive medical treatment and adequate .
3 . Snot Blackish Colour
Nasal mucosal fluid out with black is usually caused by too frequent inhalation of pollutants in the air . Because one is a nasal mucus performance filter dirt or other particles from getting into the lungs . If nasal inhalation of dust , dirt , dust , fumes or substances such airborne mucus into the nose then it will trap smaller particles within the substance so as not to float entry into the lungs . Snot usually black or gray it will often be found if you live in the big cities , especially industrial cities as a result of air pollution is too high .
4 . Snot Color Orange , Red or Mixed With Color Brownish Red
One of the most terrifying colors snot is when the snot out in red , which means it has a liquid snot mixed with blood . There are many causes that can result in this case as well as the entry of foreign objects into the nose which then damage the soft tissues of the nose section , if this is the case usually liquid snot will also be accompanied by the stench is so overpowering, this condition is suspected , especially in children who often times often introducing any object in the mouth and nose . To prevent this from happening , it is better if you continue to accompany the baby not to get complacent . In addition , it can also be caused by malignancy or cancer of the sinuses although rare cases .
5 . Snot Color Bluish
Mucus or snot fluid can turn into a bluish colored this happens as a result of attacks by certain bacteria called Pseudomonas pyocyanea . This bacterium is an obligate aerobic gram-negative bacteria that have polar flagella , bacteria of this type can be found in nature such as water , soil and even animals . If the bacteria are grown in appropriate media , it will produce a bluish colored pigment nonfluoresen . Very rarely encountered a case like this in humans , likely to be only 1 from 10.00am person who experienced this . If mucus snot blue has a thick and creamy , you should immediately seek medical attention so that appropriate treatment . Blue snot can also occur as a result of inhaling the powder or particles that float in the air blue or inhaled accidentally . Generally when this happens , the snot will be back to normal in a short time between one to two days .
That she was some kind of snot color can indicate certain conditions . The most important thing you should do is go see your doctor if complaints occur in snot . So when is supposed to see a doctor ? When snot disturbing , when snot appeared with signs of sinus and ear infections , when the snot out with blood , when snot smells or any time when you feel there is something wrong with snot and health that you feel .
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