Cancer is a disease caused by an abnormal growth of body tissue cells are transformed into cancer cells . During its development , these cancer cells can spread to other body parts , which can cause death .
Cancer is one of the most feared killer disease because in most cases the disease was discovered at an advanced stage . Also felt all the horrors of skin cancer . Moreover , the damage caused by this disease looks so real , because that is exposed to the outer portion of the body, the skin .
Compared with other types of cancer , skin cancer actually is a type of cancer that is most easy to find the symptoms at an early stage . It's just that although visually cancer symptoms is relatively easy to detect , still many people who are late in treatment. This is because most people think the same all the blemishes or moles . The view is what makes many people become wary . whereas , there are several criteria that black stain is suspect as skin cancer .
Types of skin cancer are the most common
Skin cancer is the most commonly found to consist of three types:
1 . Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC )
Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC ) Basal cell carcinoma (BCC ) is a type of cancer that originates in the bottom layer of the epidermis . KSB symptoms include lumps are very difficult to cure , the lump is colored somewhat shiny and slightly reddish colored edges . KSB can bleed and form a scab and heal .
This is what makes most people think of it as an ordinary wound , not cancer . This type of cancer often occur in the neck , scalp , and face . KSB is found appearing in the elderly ( 60 years and above ) .
The cause of BCC include too much or frequent exposure to direct sunlight , a weakened immune system , burns , X - ray irradiation . If the Area grows mouth , eyes , or bone , can result in very serious KSB .
2 . Squamous Cell Carcinoma ( SCC )
Squamous Cell Carcinoma ( SCC ) Squamous Cell Carcinoma ( SCC ) is a type of skin cancer that comes from the middle layer of the epidermis . Symptoms of SCC among others originated from a scaly reddish area with a surface that is difficult to heal scab . Then , will grow lumps kadanfg surface to resemble warts cancer ahirnya be an open wound and grow into the underlying tissues .
The cause of SCC include exposure to excessive sunlight , exposure to chemicals , a weakened immune system , and exposure to X- ray excess . KSS lai more common in men who are generally aged over 40 years .
KSS grow in areas of skin that are often exposed to the sun . However , SCC can also arise in the oral cavity , lip , and genitals .
3 . Malignant melanoma ( MM )
Malignant melanoma ( MM ) of malignant melanoma ( MM ) is a skin cancer cells derived from melanocytes ( pigment producing cells ) . MM is the most malignant type of cancer and is very easy to spread to distant parts of the body .
Most cases of MM growth of pigmented moles . Therefore , be aware of and seek to recognize signs of potential tandatahi flies into MM types of skin cancer is a very important thing to do . Here are the signs to look out for moles because most likely these signs is a warning that the melanoma will be formed .
Moles will feel itchy or painful .
Size can be enlarged .
Uneven surface .
Pelebarannya laterally uneven .
It changes color , becoming darker or brighter .
Often bleed even if only exposed to minor trauma .
The color changes in the skin around it .
There is an infection of the moles that are difficult to cure .
The existence of injury or trauma .
There are signs of inflammation of the skin around the mole .
Melamona can appear anywhere on the body . However , most often found behind the ears , back, legs , neck , scalp
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