Vertigo is a sensation of dizziness specific . People with vertigo feel as though they , their environment , or both are moving or spinning .
Changes in head position - usually deflect head on a pillow before getting up morning , or looking up to reach high shelves often trigger episodes of this mess . BPPV usually develops when calcium particles that usually is attached to one part of the inner ear ( utricle and saccule ) displaced and moved to other parts of the inner ear ( posterior semicircular canal ) . The inner ear consists of three semicircular canals , which helps balance . Posterior canal , unlike the anterior and horizontal canals , is the best place to receive almost all particles through gravity discharge through the night . When they come together , they form a chalky dirt and more lanjuta and can shape the future of exaggerating the movement of fluid in the channel when changing head position . Generate excessive stimulation of nerve receptors ( hair cells ) in the posterior canal makes the brain feel as if the head was moving faster and a lot more than usual. This information does not fit on the eye and the position sensors of the joint . This imbalance produces a brief episodes of vertigo . The particles may be separated from the utricle and saccule with increasing umurg . Alternatively , the release may be caused by injury to the ear infection , , mempaerpanjang time bed rest , ear surgery , head injury , or choked on the arteries in the ear .
This type of vertigo can be scary , but is usually harmless and go away . May be accompanied by nausea , vomiting , and special nystagmus ( rapid eye movement widened on one -way alternating with slower motions decreases up to its original position ) . Episodes of vertigo start after 5 to 10 seconds after the head and lasts less than a minute . Episodes usually subsides on its own within a few weeks . Sometimes, they persist for months and can cause dehydration due to nausea and vomiting . Hearing loss does not occur or ringing in the ears ( tinnitus ) .
Diagnosis is based on a description of symptoms and the situations in which they occur . Dix Hallpike action stimulates the posterior canal . The person sitting on the examination table with the head directed 45 degrees to the right. Then people lie to back to keep the head in the direction of 45 degrees and depending on the examining table about 20 degrees . In BPPV , there is a delay of about 5 to 10 seconds before the vertigo and nystagmus were blocked, but a delay may be longer for 30 seconds . Symptoms last 10 to 30 seconds . Visual fixation could shorten or even eliminate nystagmus , therefore actions should ideally be done by putting patients Frenzel lenses ( which makes it impossible to visually berfiksasi on anything ) . When the action is repeated several times , the intensity of the vertigo and nystagmus decreases ( habituation ) . Different circumstances , the position of which is associated with central vertigo causes symptoms immediately . Vertigo continues for the head in the same position , and there is no habituation to repeat the action . Dix Hallpike action thus can assist clinicians in differentiating the causes associated with normal ear , such as BPPV , of a more important cause of serious , such as stroke and multiple sclerosis .
BPPV is easily treated . Particles simply need to be removed from the posterior semicircular canal and return to where they came from. This requires a maneuver such as overturning the head in space . This maneuver is called action canalith repositioning or Epley maneuver , after the doctor leading the way. This maneuver immediately cure vertigo about 90 % of the patients . Repeating the maneuver increase 5 % again . In some people , recurrent vertigo . If performed , the maneuver again. People can be taught how to maneuver in the home if recurrent vertigo . For the 5 % of people who are not cured with the maneuver , the drug may be used . Very rarely , surgery is needed . Sometimes , the horizontal canal is exposed, and roll a log itself can reduce symptoms .
Simple treatment for vertigo
Some people experience vertigo when they change their head position rapidly , sepertii that overthrew their head on the pillow , looking down to tie their shoes , or looked up to reach items on a high shelf . Vertigo is usually due to BPPV . Occurs when very small calcium particles loose from their usual locations to form dirt , usually in the posterior canal semisrkular ( one of the canals in the inner ear ) . Disorders can often be eliminated by using the Epley maneuver to remove particles from the canal and return to where they came from. In this maneuver , the body and the head is moved into a different position , hand in hand . Each position was held for about 30 seconds to allow the particles to move by gravity to the other channel . To check if the maneuver is running, move the head in the direction where the former cause vertigo . If vertigo does not occur , the maneuver went well . Remained in a semi - upright position for 24 hours after the Epley maneuver , once advised , no longer need to be considered .

1. Finally, head and body behind more and more, until the nose pointing to the floor with a feather. People then sit up straight but keep your head as far as possible in order to stay deflected. One time a man, could head facing forward.
2. First, with people sitting, head turned about 45 to the right or left, depending on the trigger vertigo. People then lying with his head hanging over the edge of the examining table (or bed). Excrement triggers exaggerated signal to the brain, resulting in vertigo.

3. Chief deflected farther to the left, so that the ear is parallel to the floor.
4. Chief arahi then converted into another with the same angle.
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