Maya ( 32 ) , a worker in Central Jakarta , happy when he learned he was carrying . After five years of marriage a baby has been waiting . However , just three months gestation , her happiness faded . One day the spots appear .
" Does not feel any pain . Said person , heck , just exhausted . However , I went to the gynecologist . Requested I just rested and given a booster drug content , " he said .
Maya condition did not improve . A week later she was actually bleeding . Finally , the doctor said the fetus had no dikuret and her womb .
More than six months after that experience , Maya became pregnant again . This time it was not until three months implies suffered the same fate . Maya and her husband then decided to consult a fertility clinic . " I was asked to detail a history of both content and undergo various examinations , ranging from general blood tests to immunity , " he said .
Examination of the circuit is known , Maya tend to coagulate blood that interfere with pregnancy .
Maya then go back and this time containing guarded closely with a variety of blood tests and therapies . Every day the husband injecting drugs into her stomach .
The closer the time of his birth anxiously . Maya careful how relieved when the baby was born safely . " It was really a very tiring experience physically and mentally . Every time put the kids , I like to mutter , ' Oh , so hard to get you , boy ' , "said Maya share .
Miscarriage is also experienced by Nia , Maya work together . Nia says never know the exact cause of miscarriage they experienced . "Just once I experienced it . The doctor told me , I was just too tired and there is no exact explanation , " said Nia , who do not intend to conceive .
investigation miscarriage
Annulment content often seem mysterious , unexplained . In fact , often considered to be just a coincidence . Though not always the case . According to Dr. Kanadi Sumapraja , SpOG , MSc of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine RSCM , the incidence of spontaneous abortion in a population ranging from 15-20 percent for the entire pregnancy .
Recurrent miscarriage can cause mental stress and trauma for couples who crave a child . For women with recurrent miscarriage lead to assume guilt because he was not able to maintain the pregnancy .
Kanadi said , a woman can be called if the recurrent miscarriage miscarried three times or more in a row at gestational age less than 24 weeks .
However , for Kanadi , investigating the cause of a miscarriage can actually be carried out after the woman suffered a miscarriage . Especially if the couple soon crave the presence of offspring .
" The new impression after three new experience should be investigated . Though it can be any time a problem arises because the blame then women , " he said .
When viewed from the gestational age at the time of miscarriage , miscarriage can be classified into preembrionik miscarriage ( occurring under the age of 6 weeks of pregnancy ) , miscarriage embryonic ( 6-8 weeks gestation ) , miscarried fetuses ( 8-12 weeks gestation ) , fetal miscarriage further ( 12-24 weeks gestation ) .
Miscarriage preembrionik and embryonic many events associated with chromosomal abnormalities , hormonal abnormalities , endometrial disorders , and immunological factors . The early and late fetal miscarriage is associated with abnormalities of the antiphospholipid syndrome and thrombophilia .
" Therefore, it is very important to know the age of the pregnancy when the miscarriage occurred , the results of the previous ultrasound , to the structure of the fetus , for example , already visible heartbeat or not , " he said . Armed with prior knowledge can be known categories of miscarriage and can help towards the investigation or medical examination .
blood coagulation
There are various possible causes of miscarriage . In fact , there are unexplained miscarriages . To know the exact required intensive examination .
So far Dr. Karnadi say , the results of the study showed that a number of researchers genetic disorders , anatomy of the uterus , antiphospholipid syndrome , and thrombophilia have a strong relationship with the miscarriage .
An estimated 7 percent - 25 percent of patients have recurrent miscarriages associated with antiphospholipid syndrome . Antiphospholipid antibodies accelerate blood clotting and lead to blood clots .
Miscarriage because phospholipid syndrome caused by thrombosis or blood clot formation which will clog the blood flow of the placenta . As a result , the baby is not getting nutrients from the blood , or a little less to grow , and then died .
In cases of recurrent miscarriage so the use of heparin , a compound to prevent blood clots , has long been known .
The therapeutic effect of heparin in cases of recurrent miscarriage caused by antiphospholipid syndrome is not only due to the effect of anticoagulant or blood thinning . However , also due to other effects . Apparently, heparin also has the effect of inhibiting the binding of phospholipid antibodies , triggering anti-inflammatory effects , and facilitates the process of implantation of the placenta .
" Traumatic experience miscarriage do not need to be repeated , " said Kanadi . If investigated and the cause is unknown and given appropriate therapy , women who experienced miscarriage often can deliver the baby safely and healthy . (source article: Reuters, Thursday, November 12, 2009, the source image: thepregnacyzone)
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