A number of neurologists in Southeast Asia over the past five years to pay serious attention to the symptoms of fibromyalgia or chronic pain symptoms that spread throughout the body . This was due to the impact of the emergence of this chronic pain can interfere with the quality of human life by decreasing productivity .
In South East Asia conference Fibromyalgia Awarness Concerns and Trends Survey ( SE Asia Facts) first time in Southeast Asia held in Thailand , Tuesday ( 27/10 ) , it was also revealed that fibromyalgia is a symptom of its own that is different from other pain symptoms that appear in patients with rheumatoid arthritis as well as psychosomatic .
The pain in patients with fibromyalgia generally beyond pain in general . In fact , a patient may complain of pain even just touched her body . The pain was spread in several parts of the body , such as shoulders , chest , and legs , and occurs constantly.
The pain was also followed by fatigue so that the patient feels lackluster . Generally , they are also difficult to sleep at night and feel tired in the morning . The symptoms of most patients with fibromyalgia causes decreased quality of life .
Not many understood
In a conference sponsored by the drug manufacturer Pfizer , President of the Thai Association for the Study of Pain Professor Pradit Prateepavanich results of the survey showed that the symptoms of fibromyalgia is also understood by most new small medical community , both general practitioners and neurologists . That is what causes the symptoms of pain , which was declared by the medical community in the United States around the 1980s was rarely diagnosed properly .
A fibromyalgia patients , he said , usually only able to obtain a proper diagnosis after moving to several doctors check their health to find a doctor who understand well the pain symptoms .
" A patient may experience symptoms of this pain for years until she found a doctor who can provide appropriate therapy , " he said .
A fibromyalgia patient from Thailand , Angela Chiarapurk ( 33 ) , admitted that he suffered from chronic widespread pain since the age of 24 years . After seeing a number of doctors and therapists nine for eight years , she was diagnosed with fibromyalgia after seeing Pradit .
During that time , he admitted every day suffering from pain in the head , neck , feet up on an ongoing basis . To ease his pain , he had to patch up his seat with cushions .
suffered by women
SE Asia Facts survey carried Pradit involving 506 patients with fibromyalgia in five Southeast Asian countries show , the pain symptoms experienced by the majority of women with a ratio of nine women versus men .
Respondents from Indonesia in the survey is the largest reported experiencing chronic widespread pain as a prominent characteristic in fibromyalgia .
Nevertheless, Pradit claimed not to know what causes fibromyalgia affects many women up . Similarly, the tendency of many fibromyalgia sufferers in Indonesia .
In fact , to diagnose fibromyalgia , according to Pradit , empathy and patience needed to parse a physician of the patient 's health history . Only in that way can be diagnosed fibromyalgia . " This in-depth diagnosis is needed because the causes of fibromyalgia are very complex , both influenced by biological , mental , social and cultural patients , " said Pradit .
To reduce chronic pain , according to the head of Pain Control Clinic Makati , Philippines Henry Lu , a fibromyalgia sufferer can run as well as yoga exercise on a regular basis . With exercise , the muscles that move to stimulate the brain to build the balance of the body .
However , even then , he continued , only limited clinical evidence . He said he still can not claim to know what factors that cause exercise can reduce pain in patients with fibromyalgia . Fibromyalgia is still intriguing .... source : ( MADINA Nusrat ) , Compass , Tuesday, November 3, 2009 |
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