Although it is limited to the evaluation of head trauma , skull X-rays are valuable for examination abnormalities in the skull base and cranial bones cupola . It also allows the doctor to study the problems of the bones of the skull caused by other diseases .
X-rays of the skull bones evaluate three groups that cover the head : calvaria ( called cupola skull ) , mandible ( jaw bone known as ) , and facial bones . Cupola and facial bones connected by joints that can not move and has a serrated edge called sutures . Overall the bones of the skull is a complex structure that requires a complete overhaul goes a few times a X-ray irradiation in each area . .
Why is this test done ?
X-rays of the skull is done because some of the following reasons :
1 . To help detect fractures after trauma to the head .
2 . To help diagnose a tumor on the pituitary gland , a small organ that is attached to the oval -shaped brain .
3 . To detect skull problems arising from birth or due to causes other diseases .
What should you know before the test ?
1 . The X-ray technician will perform this test , usually in the radiology section . The test will last about 15 minutes and do not cause pain .
2 . You do not need to fast or restrict fluids before the test . But you have to take off your glasses or jewelry existing in the irradiation field . If you memkai dentures , you have to take it off .
What happens during the test ?
1 . You will be laid on the table irradiation or sit in a chair and asked not to move . May be used foam pads , bags asir or ribbon head to hold your head and make you feel comfortable .
2 . Technicians usually perform five different lighting on your head . X-ray film is printed and checked for quality before you leave.
What is a normal result ?
Physician radiologist interpreting the results of X-rays . It is a specialist who evaluates the size , shape , thickness and position of the bones in the head , blood vessels , and other structures . Everything must appear normal according to age of the patient.
What is the abnormal results ?
X-rays often can indicate a skull fracture at the base of the skull or Kalvia . However , this can not be demonstrated on the basis of fracture if the bones are in place solid . .
X-rays of the skull can also reveal problems arising from birth . In addition , it also can show areas of the brain too much calcium buildup . Certain brain tumors , such as oligodendroglioma or meningioma , containing calcium .
X-rays of the skull may reveal changes in the structure of the skull caused by other diseases such as Paget 's disease
Vascular Angiography Brain ( Cerebral Angiography )

The test called by the doctors include cerebral angiography X-ray irradiation on brain blood vessels after injection of a special contrast fluid in the arteries in the neck , inner thighs , or other areas . The contrast liquid will appear on the irradiation when it reaches the brain and circulated through the blood vessels .
Cerebral angiography is usually performed if doctors suspect there are abnormalities in the blood vessels of the brain . At the beginning of this disorder is supported by the results of the examination terkomputer scanning tomography ( CAT scan ) of the brain or spinal function .
Why is this cerebral angiography performed
Angiography was performed because of the following reasons :
1 . To detect problems in existing blood vessels within or leading to the brain ( eg , aneurysm , vascular malformation datah , thrombosis , narrowing or blockage )
2 . To study the blood vessels of the brain that is located not normal ( due to tumors , blood clots , swelling , spasms , increased brain pressure , or hydrocephalus )
3 . To determine the mounting clamp blood vessels during surgery and to check the condition of the vessel .
What should you know before ?
1 . The test you will learn , including who will perform cerebral angiography test this , where , and how long the test will run ( usually 2 to 4 hours , depending on the test request ) . You will be positioned on the table irradiation , and mobilized your head , and you can not move .
2 . Tell your doctor or nurse if you are allergic to iodine , materials that contain iodine ( such as clams or shrimp ) , or contrast fluid used in other tests . You are told about the possible side effects of contrast fluid injected into the blood vessel angiography test .
3 . You need to fast for 8 to 10 hours before the test .
4 . You will wear a hospital gown and take off all jewelry , dentures , and hairpins . Be sure to pee before leaving the room .
5 . You will get sleeping pills and other drugs for 30 to 45 minutes before the test . You will also receive a local anesthetic drug . ( Some people , especially children will receive general anesthesia )
6 . You need to sign a letter stating your consent to the blood vessel angiography test . Be sure to read it carefully and ask questions if there are parts you do not understand .
What happens during the test ?
1 . You will be laid on the table irradiation at the time of injection . You need to lie down with your arms at your side .
2 . Injected local anesthetic . Then a needle is inserted into the artery .
3 . Having done X-rays to see the location of the needle , the doctor injects a special liquid contrast . You will feel like burning moment when contrast fluid is injected . After that you will feel warm and rosy , briefly headache , or feel salty in the mouth . You might even be nausea and vomiting .
4 . Upon injekdi , X-ray irradiation , the results are processed , and viewed . Depending on the outcome , may be included again in contrast fluid and X-ray irradiation series .
5 . If you've got the results of X-ray irradiation series are satisfactory , the doctor pull the needle . The nurse will check whether there is a change and put bandages .
What happens after the test ?
1 . Typically , you will rest in bed for 12 to 24 hours and got medication for pain . The nurse will check on you every hour during the first 4 hours and then every 4 hours .
2 . You will inject compressed ice in place to create a sense of comfort and reduce swelling .
3 . If the injection in the thigh , then keep the leg straight for 12 hours or more . If the neck area , the nurse will check your breathing and swallowing ability .
4 . Having test . You can return to a normal diet . Drink fluids to help remove fluid contrast .
Is the risk of vascular angiography test ?
1 . Tests vascular angiography should not be performed if the patient has liver disease , kidney or thyroid .
2 . Also not to be done if the patient is allergic to iodine or contrast fluid .
What is a normal result ?
The test must demonstrate that the normal circulation of the blood vessels of the brain .
What is the abnormal result ?
Changes in the blood vessels of the brain supports abnormalities , such as spasm , plaque , fistulae , malformations arteriovenus , or arteriosclerosis . Decreased blood to the brain may be associated with increased pressure in the brain .
If there is a brain blood vessel that is located not unusual , then this change showed a tumor , local swelling , or blockage of the flow of spinal fluid . If there is a tumor , the test can show blood vessels in the tumor , so doctors can determine the location and origin of these tumors .

Why Myelography tests performed
Myelography performed because some of the following reasons :
1 . To locate the tumor and herniation sections that can block the flow of CSF partial or total .
2 . To help detect arachnoiditis , trauma to the spine sarfaf network .
What should you know before the test Myelography ?
1 . You need fast and restrict fluids for 8 hours before the test Myelography . If the tests are scheduled during the day Myelography and hospital policy permits , the tests Myelography before you may drink water .
2 . You will be notified of the test Myelography , including who will perform the test Myelography , which funds Myelography how long the test took place ( usually an hour or more ) . You need hospitalization in the hospital overnight .
3 . Tell your doctor if you are allergic to iodine , shellfish ( such as shrimp or scallops ) , or contrast fluid used in other tests . You will be informed about the possible side effects of contrast fluid is injected in the test Myelography . You will feel a bit of pain because of your position during the test Myelography and when inserting the needle .
4 . Tell your doctor if you have ever had a seizure . Just before the test Myelography , you must remove all perhiasanatau other metal objects that would block the X-rays .
5 . You will receive a miraculous drug , such as enemas , sleeping pills to make you relax , and medications to reduce swelling during the test .
6 . You need to sign a letter stating your approval to conduct tests Myelography . Be sure to read it carefully and ask questions if there are parts you do not understand .
What happens during the test Myelography ?
1 . You will be laid on the table , with her chin resting on his chest and abdomen to the knee menekuksamapai .
2 . Doctor inserts a needle in the lower back , in the area anatara two segments . Would have taken a bit of rear CSF for routine examination .
3 . Nurse will lie face down and put your seat belts on the upper back , under arms , and on your ankle . You need to straighten your chin to prevent the flow of contrast fluid through the area that is not checked .
4 . Doctor injects contrast fluid and tilt the table so that the contrast fluid to flow in the spinal cord area , you will feel terbakarsesaat at the time of injection . After the injection you will feel warm and flushed , headache briefly , or tasted salty in the mouth , you even feel nausea and vomiting .
5 . Tell your nurse or doctor if you experience headache , difficulty swallowing , or shortness of breath . During the test Myelography you can rest periodically .
6 . Doctors observe the flow of contrast fluid and perform X-ray irradiation . Having obtained satisfactory results irradiation , doctors withdraw the needle . Then perawata clean the puncture site with an antiseptic solution and put bandages .
What happens after the test Myelography ?
1 . Usually you will rest in the hospital for 6 to 24 hours and got oabt for pain . The nurse will check on you every half hour for 4 hours and then every 4 hours .
2 . Drink extra fluids . The nurse will ask you urinate at least once within 8 hours after the test Myelography .
3 . Tell the nurse if you feel back pain , headache , a stiff neck tau . If there are no complications , you can return to a normal diet and kemablai da Myelography activities after the test .
Is the risk Myelography test ?
In general , if the Myelography was not performed in patients with increased brain pressure , allergic to iodine or contrast fluids , or needle insertion infkesi in place .
What is a normal result ?
Myelography tests can indicate the location of problems in or around the spinal cord , such as disc herniation and tumor sections . If tests confirm the tumor , the patient was immediately taken to the operating room .
Myelographydapat petrified determine or confirm the location of the rupture segments , narrowing of the spinal , or abscess , and sometimes pemebedahan for confirmation purposes . Myelography tests can also detect syringomyelia ( disorder characterized pengisin fluid in the cavity in the spinal cord tissue and widening sumsusm spine itself) . Arachnoiditis , and trauma to the spinal cord tissue .
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