When disturbed or troubled the head or joint pain will immediately show symptoms of the condition to notify you . But it is different from your heart because your heart will not know whether or not a problem until you 've actually ' fall' for it.
In fact 1 of 3 deaths in the U.S. each year due to cardiovascular disease . Even in men , heart disease is the number one killer . Moreover, according to the American Heart Association , 38 percent of adults fall into at least three of the seven criteria of poor heart health .
To that end , so you can avoid heart problems , do 5 simple tricks as reported by MSNBC , below.
1 . Checks Your Risk
" Checking cardiovascular risk factors , including cholesterol and blood pressure tests should have been started in early 20s , " said John Elefteriades , MD , surgeon and director of the Aortic Institute at Yale .
The results will help determine what you should do next . If your blood pressure is high , your cholesterol levels are high and you have a family history of heart disease then checks the risk of this kind should be your top priority .
Many doctors recommend heart tests found after the Framingham Heart Study . This test combines factors such as age and blood pressure to determine the risk of heart disease with the actual percentage value .
This test has two versions , one based on a complex algorithm , while the other is based on points . But according to a study published in the journal BMC Medicine , the test results proved that using a more accurate algorithm .
2 . Control your LDL levels
Although it is often spelled ' antagonist ' , but actually it's not all LDL is really nasty , said Ronald Krauss , MD , senior scientist and director of atherosclerosis research at Children 's Hospital Oakland Research Institute . According to a new way to study cholesterol , LDL can be described in at least four sub - categories , there is a very nasty , but there are also very soft .
While many researchers are trying to find the best method to address the worst excesses of LDL , you can use more traditional methods . One is the breakfast of oatmeal that contains beta glucan , a soluble fiber that can help reduce the amount of cholesterol that is absorbed in the intestines .
3 . Consider Undergoing Some Tests
If your doctor needs to know some additional information about the risk of your heart , maybe he has a number of other methods for you . One of the recommended test is a test of C - reactive protein ( CRP ) .
" CRP is an indicator of inflammation or irritation of the internal blood vessels . Luckily this can be overcome by high intensity exercise , " said Elefteriades . You can also undergo a CT scan so the doctor can see directly if you have artery problems or not .
4 . Supervise Your Blood Pressure
Reducing salt intake will not only be able to reduce your risk of heart disease . People who tend to have a salt intake lowers the risk of heart attack or stroke are the same as those that do not restrict salt intake . It is revealed from the latest review of the 7 study published in the American Journal of Hypertension .
Losing weight is a better solution because these efforts can lower your blood pressure 10-29 points , even aerobic routine can reduce 10 points again .
5 . See Your Total Cholesterol Levels
A number of tests can provide details about the condition of your cholesterol , if necessary . One is the non - HDL test . " I recommend that all people undergo this test . Determination are simply reducing the amount of total cholesterol HDL . However these tests are standards that do not require special treatment . "
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