Hiatal hernia is a protrusion of a portion of the stomach through the diaphragm, from its normal position in the abdomen.
The diaphragm is a sheet of muscles used for breathing, which is the barrier between the chest and abdomen.
In sliding hiatal hernia, the border between the esophagus and stomach, as well as a portion of the stomach, which is normally located under the diaphragm, protruding upward diagragma.
In paraesofageal hiatal hernia, the border between the esophagus and stomach are in a place that is normally below the diaphragm, but no part of the stomach above the diaphragm is pushed to the side and is located in the esophagus.
Hiatal hernia often occurs, especially at the age above 50 years.
As a result of this disorder can occur regurgitation of gastric acid.
Causes of hiatal hernia is usually unknown, but can occur because of weaknesses in network backers.
Risk factor for hiatal hernias in adults are:
- Age
- obesity
- Smoking.
In children, hiatal hernia is usually a congenital defect.
Hiatal hernia in infants is usually accompanied by gastroesophageal reflux.
Patients with a sliding hiatal hernia reached more than 40% of people, but mostly asymptomatic. Symptoms that occur are usually mild.
Paraesofageal hiatal hernia usually does not cause symptoms. But a prominent part of this can be trapped or pinched in the diaphragm and blood deficiency.
If it is severe and there is pain, called trapping (strangulation), which requires emergency surgery.
Sometimes microscopic bleeding or severe bleeding of the lining of the hernia, which can occur on both the type of hiatal hernia.
Typically, X-ray examination may indicate the presence of hiatal hernia, although it must be accompanied with a strong emphasis on the stomach.
Hiatal hernia usually does not require specific treatment, but when coupled with acid reflux, should be treated.
The esophageal hernia can be cured with surgery to prevent strangulation.
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