Fat deposits in the body is unsightly and often make a person humble. Especially if that fat can not be expelled by natural means such as diet and exercise . Liposuction or liposuction is another way to get rid of the stubborn fat .
Liposuction is a plastic surgery aimed at shaping the body by sucking the fat in certain areas of the body with some sort of needle . This technique can be done on the area of the thighs , hips , buttocks , abdomen , pingang , upper arms , chin , neck , chest to back .
Although the name of liposuction, but that does not mean these actions can make a person become more slender . " The goal is not to manage , but a more ideal form curves . Skinny or ideal body weight is not the goal , " said dr.Teuku Adifitiran , Sp.BP , from RS.Pondok Indah Jakarta .
Excess liposuction , according to the doctor who is better known by the name of this Tompi , is small and hidden scar , short procedure , and can be done with local or general anesthetic .
" After the action , the patient can direct their activities and do not need hospitalization , " he said .
In the WebMD site mentioned there are several criteria that must be met by the patient in order to maximize the results of liposuction . The criteria include the patient's weight is not too fat , have elastic skin , generally in good health , and the fat is concentrated .
If the patient has a cellulite is usually less than the maximum because the result will be less or excessive correction at the fatty deposits .
Actions liposuction , according dr.Tompi , sometimes combined with a tummy tuck measures aimed at reducing excess skin and tighten sagging muscles . For example, in women who have given birth several times .
" Most people who have already given birth to sag because the stomach muscles behind sagging . Having said that besides aspirated fat , muscles should be tightened first with a tummy tuck , " he said .
To determine what procedures should be performed , consult with a plastic surgeon . The doctor will conduct discussions and safe option for your best . Do not hesitate to ask if there is any doubt .
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