Generally people have a perception that eating ice cream could potentially lead to coughing . Cold temperatures ice cream can irritate the respiratory tract , causing coughing that interferes with daily activities . However, research Rilnia Metha Sofia , Faculty of Medicine, University of Mataram , chocolate ice cream proved it could be a cough medicine .
In his presentation at the National Student Scientific Week ( Pimnas ) 25 held in Yogyakarta Muhammadiyah University ( St. Louis ) reveals Rilna ice cream made from brown material turned out to contain food ingredients that can suppress the cough reflex . " Chocolate contains substances that significantly tobromin can suppress the cough reflex . Way tobromin this work in the same way cough medicines work in relieving cough , " said Rilna when presenting the results of her research entitled " Ice Cream Chocolate As Antitusif Cough " .
Ice cold temperatures , according Rilna , it can work synergistically with tobromin to relieve cough . According to him , cold with very low temperatures , it can cause injury to the cells , including the cells that induce airway cough . However , cooler with high temperatures , it can cause constriction of local blood vessels without causing injury to the cells .
In his research , Rilna using a sample consisting of 30 male students of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Mataram . They were divided into 5 groups and given different behaviors . One group was given substance in cough medicine Dextrometorphan ( DMP ) . Another group was given a cream chocolate , ice cream , and chocolate ice cream so that it can be seen that the effect occurred in each group .
" Effect eating chocolate ice cream in patients with cough was similar to the effect of taking the DMP . Moreover , chocolate ice cream does not have significant side effects when used as a drug . Exciting taste will improve patients' adherence to medication , especially the children , " he continued . Iniliah research results that deliver Rilna and friends qualify as participants in 25 categories PIMNAS Research Student Creativity Program ( PKM - P ) .
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