Parkinsonism refers to the symptoms of Parkinson's disease ( such as slow motion and shaking ) caused by other conditions .
Various conditions can cause Parkinsonism :
Viral encephalitis , a rare brain inflammation that followed infections such as the flu
Another decline disorders , such as dementia , multiple system athropy , corticobasal ganglionic decline , and progressive supranuclear palsy
Disorders of brain structures , such as brain tumors and stroke
Head injuries , especially recurring injuries that occur when boxing ( making someone punch-drunk ) .
Medications , such as antipsychotics and antihypertensives methyldopa and reserpine .
Toxins , such as manganese , carbon monoxide , and methanol .
Certain drugs and toxins interfere with or inhibit the action of dopamine and other neurotransmitters . For example , antipsychotic drugs , used to treat paranoia and schizophrenia , inhibits the action of dopamine . Use of MPTP ( produced by chance when a drug user for the synthesis of opioid meperidine ) can cause parkinsonism sudden , severe , irreversible in young children .
Parkinsonism cause the same symptoms as Parkinson's disease . They include trembling muscle stiffness, slow movements , and difficulty maintaining balance and walking .
Disorders that cause parkinsonism can also cause other symptoms or various kinds of parkinsonian symptoms , such as the following below :
Striking memory loss associated with dementia
The symptoms of parkinsonism is only on one side of the body associated with certain brain tumors
Low blood pressure and urinary problems associated with multiple system atrophy
Inability to fast or understanding speech or written language ( aphasia ) , inability to perform simple tasks skills ( apraxia ) , and the inability to link the object with the role and function of the usual ( agnosia ) is associated with decreased corticobasal ganglionic
In corticobasal ganglionic decline , symptoms occur after the age of 60 years . People become immobile after about 5 years , and death usually occurs after about 10 years .
The doctor asked about previous disorders , exposure to toxins , and the use of drugs that can cause parkinsonism . Brain imaging , such as computed tomography ( CT ) or magnetic resonance imaging ( MRI ) , may be done to look at the structure of disorders that may be causing the symptoms .
If the diagnosis is not clear , the doctor can give the people of levodopa , a drug used to treat Parkinson's disease . If the drug is a real fix , even become the cause of Parkinson's disease are possible.
Cause repaired or treated if possible . If the medication is the cause , stop the drug could cure the disorder . The symptoms can be reduced or lost if the underlying disorder can be treated . Drugs used to treat Parkinson's disease ( such as levodopa ) are often not effective in people with parkinsonism but can sometimes offer a simple repair .
Drugs used if disturbing . If the cause is the use of antipsychotic drugs , amantadine or drugs with anticholinergic effects , such as benztropine , may relieve symptoms .
The same common way used to help people with Parkinson's disease maintain mobility and independence are very useful . For example , people should remain as active as possible , simple daily tasks , use tools when needed , and take action to make the home safe ( like folding rugs to prevent tripping ) . Occupational and physical therapists can help people to apply this way . Good nutrition is also important
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