Chorea is a movement beyond awareness rapid , jerking , short and repetitive that starts one part of the body and moves with a sudden , unexpected , and often continuously until the rest of the body . Athetosis is a slow motion flow , flowing , writhing out of consciousness . Hemiballismus is a type of chorea , usually causing the throwing motion of the arm beyond the will aloud .
Chorea and athetosis , which may occur together as choreoathetosis , is not a disease . Nevertheless , they are a symptom that can be caused by several peyakit very different from each other . Chorea and athetosis caused by over- activity of the basic ganglia , the part of the brain that helps facilitate and coordinate movements initiated by nerve impulses from the brain . In most forms of chorea , excess dopamine , the main neurotransmitter used in the basal ganglia , the basal ganglia prevented from functioning normally . Drugs and diseases that increase dopamine levels or increasing sensitivity to dopamine nerve cells tend to worsen chorea and athetosis .
Chorea and athetosis occur in Huntington's disease , a degenerative disorder that decreases . Sydenham chorea may occur in ' s chorea ( also called St. Vitus's dance , or Sydenham 's disease ) , complications of rheumatic fever ( a childhood infections caused by certain streptococci ) . Sydenham 's chorea has the character can not be controlled movements are jerky and can last for several months .
Chorea is sometimes develops in older people because of the unreal . Chorea , called senile chorea , are likely to affect the muscles around the mouth . Chorea can also affect women during the first 3 months of pregnancy ( a condition called chorea gravidarum ) , but disappear without treatment shortly after their birth. Rarely , a sort of chorea occur in women who take the contraceptive pill . Chorea can also be the result of lupus ( systemic lupus erythematosus ) , over- activity of the thyroid gland ( hyperthyroidism ) , a tumor or a stroke affecting the basal ganglia portion called the caudate nucleus , and certain medications such as antipsychotics drugs .
Chorea usually involve the hands , feet , and face . Jerking movements seem to flow from one muscle to the next muscle and it may seem like dancing . The movements may be invisible to join the action with the purpose or semi - destination , sometimes making it difficult to recognize chorea .
Athetosis usually affects the hands and feet . Writhing movements often alternating with slow loading limb parts in certain positions ( postures ) to produce a time flowing movements that constantly.
Hemiballismus affecting one side of the body . Affected arm more often than feet . Usually caused by stroke affecting small field just below the basal ganglia subthalamic nucleus called . Hemiballismus to temporarily paralyze probably because when people try to move the limbs, may float uncontrollably .
Chorea as hyperthyroidism usually decreases the time it is treated chaos . Sydenham 's chorea and chorea caused by stroke often gradually subsided without treatment . If chorea is due in addition to medication , stopping the medication may help , but not always lost chorea . Pregnant women with chorea may be treated with sleep medications during pregnancy .
Drugs blocking the action of dopamine, which can help control the movement bnormal . These drugs include antipsychotics such as fluphenazine , haloperidol , and risperidone . Drugs that reduce the amount of dopamine release , such as reserpine and tetrabenazine , also may help . However , the improvement may be limited .
Hemiballismus usually go away by themselves after a few days , but sometimes last for 6 to 8 weeks . Anti- Psychotic drugs may help suppress hemiballismus .
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